Bothell Rental hall Accommodations
Rental Rates, Hours, and Pricing
Hall Details
2400 Sq ft.
Maximum Occupancy: 200
Convenient on-site tables and chairs (included)
Ample Onsite Parking
Fully Equipped Kitchen
- Two Large Refrigerators
- Commercial Oven
- Lots of Counter Space
- Industrial size sink
- Two stoves with ovens
- Large Coffee maker
- Microwave
- 7.1 surround system
- Blu-Ray Player
- 150" Diagonal Screen
- Laptop interface to media center
Lovely Grounds with 3 secluded acres of grassy area
Excellent for outdoor events, craft shows, bizzares
Rental Rates:
Monday - Thursday .... $1000
Friday - Saturday ........ $2000
Sunday ..........................$1500
All Holidays ..................$2000
Cleaning fee....................$500
Video Equipment rental
Rental Hours:
Mon -Thur: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Fri & Sat: 9:00 am - 12:00 am
Sun: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm